Hey Tribe,
Welcome back!
You might think it is procrastination.
Social Media
Video Games
And, yes, these are bad in excess, but they are not the real problem when it comes to killing your success in life.
I hope you learned to set goals already since you’re on this list? It is about time you have some plans for your life!
The biggest problem you have with not achieving them is this:
The blame game
But I don’t blame you (ha!) because this society is totally built on that. Blaming others for your shortcomings is the basis of the left, which is pretty rampant these days. I don’t care much about politics, and this is certainly not a politics email list, but there is a lesson in there.
I know a ton of people who constantly complain about the fact that they CAN achieve nothing in life. That is their mindset. Just like the left always says “Women have no chance in the market place! Transgender people are suppressed!”
Everything is rigged against them, because they weren’t born rich, or lucky, or beautiful, and therefore, they literally say there is no point in trying.
I guess you know the type.
And what exactly do they achieve with that? Yes. Nothing.
People just need to ask themselves more often what their actions are actually achieving. Or the words they’re mouthing.
If you blame the government for not giving you a basic income. What do you gain?
You hate the government
You hate the life you were born into
Tons of negative energy
You get nothing done
You just create a ton of noise, out of which we already have way too much in this world.
Blaming yourself
Maybe you’re already ahead in the selfconquering game. You are trying to better yourself, and you woke up to reality. How shit is really going down. And I fell into a trap you might be familiar with, “If only I knew these things earlier, I could’ve lived a better life!”
I could already be living a better life!
The bitches I could’ve fucked!
The cars I could’ve driven.
Could have is not do have.
No shit, sherlock. Your life could’ve gone way different. I also could’ve gone way worse. Think about that! You’re still alive, that’s something, isn’t it? You live somewhat decent. Not to your best, but also not your worst. So what is mourning the past gonna do? What is blaming your former self really going to achieve?
You really need to stop ANY blaming of anyone.
I mean that.
Because it is pointless.
You need to realize that you cannot change other people. You can’t change them for shit. Maybe someone does something for you if you ask. Yes, but only because it nets them a benefit as well. I know this sounds cynical, but everyone is always out there for themselves. Even the people donating to charity, or helping poor people and endangered animals. They don’t do it just to give, they do it because it makes them feel good. Because THEY helped to better the world.
And this IS good.
Some just focus their selfish energy on positive things, some don’t. But the point is, that blaming them doesn’t net you anything. You can even blame the charity people because they make you look bad (yes, these people exist). You can blame millionaires because they don’t donate their money.
It does NOTHING but steal your mental energy.
And if the left gets from the government what they want, it’s not because the government is so good to people. It’s always because it nets them something. Most of the time, control. So in this example, it’s actually a net negative.
So drop that shit now.
From now on, you’re done with blaming others. This will bring peace to your mind. Trust me. Whenever you feel like blaming someone for X, or even blaming yourself for doing Y. Stop right there! Mentally stop mid-thought, and drop it.
Realize it steals your energy.
Use that energy and direct it somewhere else.
For example, into action towards your goals.
Action is what brings the rewards.
Not blaming others.
Remember that, and crush your goals!