Hey Tribe,
Welcome back!
We humans created a society that takes away any sort of friction.
Challenge and obstacles
I touched this subject before, but there is more to it.
We don’t have to worry about food. It’s readily available everywhere.
Hence why we are fat.
We don’t earn the food. We just have it.
Without the struggle to actually get it, it sort of loses its reward.
And food is just one part of it.
This is applicable on all other parts of your life as well.
Money, love, spirit, family, friends, sex.
The 99% of dead people
The majority of people already wanders through life, merely existing.
They go to work, “working” a job they hate. Meeting people they hate, only to come home to buy shit they don’t need, food that is filled with sugar to numb their brains, and watch Netflix and porn to further numb their brains.
Numb it from reality.
The reality that they waste this precious existence.
And who’s fault is it?
Thanks Obama!
Or Trump, or whoever.
I noticed when talking to people that if you tell them that THEY are the only ones who can fix their life, they get very defensive. Even hostile. “What am I supposed to do in this life I am in? Not everybody can get rich!”
Remember, the brain is exceptional at rationalizing. Your current situation will be rationalized into existence. Rationalized in to “just is what it is.”
But it never just “is”. It is what you make of it.
If you tell people, that technically, they have the power to just quit everything they have right now and move to another country, they don’t believe it.
“But what about my house, wife, friends, even kids?”
Doesn’t matter.
Now I am not saying you should leave your kids just like that. But you have to be aware, that on the root of things, you can just disappear without issue.
Humans have survived on nothing but the food they had to hunt each day for thousands of years.
You won’t die if you live in a tent for a few weeks.
Again, this is just a mindset you need to cultivate. Be ready to walk away at any time. This is what separates the slave from the master.
Kings and servants
The 1% of people who develop this mindset and live their life on THEIR terms will be (and are already) the people ruling over the 99%.
They accepted life as it is. A sum of your decisions. It’s fluid. It can change at any moment.
At any moment an earthquake, or a meteor or whatever can uproot your whole life.
Everyone you know could die from this situation. And then you are alone. You could also be alone voluntarily. What would be different? The reason. But not the situation. You would still need to be in tune with yourself, and get yourself going.
This email turned dark, I know. But I do this intentionally. I am trying to wake you up.
If your life sucks right now, it is your fault. And only yours. You have the power to change it at any moment.
But you don’t.
You fear the implications of it. Because you still operate in other people’s minds instead of your own.
“What will my wife think if I do X?”
“What will my friends think if I do Y?”
“What will my boss think if I do Z?”
Who cares?
“What will I think of myself if I do XYZ?”
You’re not living their lives.
You’re living your own.
Correction: You’re existing in your own life, applying other people’s terms.
It is about damn time to live your life on your own damn terms!
Take back control over your life.
Start easy.
Hit the gym, fix your diet, stop complaining, put in the work.
I don’t know your life situation. There isn’t a one size fits all solution.
And if you just do what I tell you, you would’ve just changed from your friends terms to mine.
Fuck that.
Find out for yourself what you truly like.
How you want your life to look like.
Change your mental point of origin.
Any question you have about doing something from now on will be “What do I think of that?”
“How will it influence MY life?”
Except for the gym (which is obvious) I am not telling you to do anything.
This is on you.
I am just telling you, you finally need to get it done.
And if it means, leaving the country for a few months to find yourself.
So be it.
It is your life.
Stop being a pushover and live your life as you wish.
You have the power to do so.