Hey Tribe,
Welcome back!
I love this term “victim puke” because it’s so fitting.
Puking is embarrassing, you don’t really want anyone to see it, and it makes you feel bad.
And being a victim while puking is even worse.
But what do I really mean by that?
Stop fucking complaining!
The victim society
This society loves making victims out of everyone and everything. And I understand where this comes from. It puts you in the spotlight, and people feel bad for you, support you, etc. It’s actually the basis on which communism is founded upon.
Oppressor and oppressed.
The oppressed is obviously a victim of the person ruling over him.
And in this “great” societal model of communism, the idea is to stop the oppressor from oppressing, so the victim feels better. Too bad this ended in millions of dead people…
I don’t want to dive too deep into politics, I guess you’re aware how bad communism is, I just want to show you the fallacy in this.
Because: If you are the victim, and the only solution is to make the oppressor stop, HE HAS ALL THE POWER.
It baffles me that people don’t grasp this simple concept.
If you make yourself the victim of any situation, you give away power over your life. Because it implies, you can’t do anything about it. You can puke out all the time how bad this person or situation is, but this might change nothing.
The person might just not care about your victim puke and proceed as always, and the situation, well, not being a person doesn’t really care either.
The complaining male
I see a ton of men these days constantly complaining about XYZ.
Just a second a go a colleague came into my office, and something went wrong yesterday, and he was like, “Why did we do this and that? Why is this like that now? This didn’t have to be.”
And I was just thinking, “How old are you? 12? You’re crying like a fucking kid”
And I HATE these kind of “men”.
Constantly complaining about everything instead of accepting the fucking situation, evaluating it, and searching for solutions.
Sadly, I can’t talk to people like I would otherwise. I’d tell him he should shut his whore mouth, stop with the goddamn victim puke and own his shit.
It’s annoying.
And if you do this at home, imagine how your wife/gf must feel.
You’re supposed to be the Oak in the relationship, but you constantly complain how bad everything is at work, BUT NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
Now, I realize I am currently complaining about other people ;)
But it’s needed to show you what’s wrong.
There is obviously a difference between complaining for the sake of getting validation, and “complaining” to change things. Although I would call the latter, “converting”.
You convert the issue at hand into a better situation.
Complainers just talk, and want validation for the problems to feel better.
A converter talks to actually change the situation.
Lot’s of guys constantly complain how their wives never put out. Literal victim puke on online boards like deadbedrooms on reddit. Basically crying they don’t get pussy. What a weak shit.
A man doesn’t complain. He converts the situation.
You think a warrior has time to complain about the arrow that just hit his foot?
“Goddamn, why did he have to hit me right in the foot? What is this bullshit about? Where is the supervisor? Mister McCullen? He fucking shot me in the foot! Can you make him stop doing that?”
That’s retarded.
Sadly, in this society it’s totally fine to complain about everything. Because your life isn’t on the line if you don’t act immediately, and just talk without results.
But these victim pukes make you look weak, and unreliable. A reliable person is someone who fixes things. DOES things. Instead of talking about them.
Stop being a talker, and become a DOER.
People respect the person who does things, not the one who constantly just blabs about it, but never pulls through.
Stop with the victim puke.
And get your shit done!