Hey Tribe,
Welcome back!
The title already pretty much says what I am on about. But there is more to it to truly understand this concept.
Especially between the genders.
I don’t want to go too deep into the gender-wars here, but let’s just make it short, women are respected by default, men have to earn it.
I personally like the men’s version, but I hate the women’s version.
It is good that men need to earn their respect. And more so than women. But, honestly, not every woman deserves respect just because she has tits.
I bring this up because you will occasionally run into people which are very disrespectful. And especially in this weird-ass society, lots of them are women.
And the reason for this, is that they don’t even respect themselves.
Respect is everything
If you’re old enough, you might know this slogan from GTA 2. Yes, the 2D Version of GTA from back in the days.
The whole game is about building your respect for the certain factions by doing jobs for them and thus building it.
And a lot of men do that these days as well.
They do everything to increase their standing with their boss, their wife, their friends, etc.
But they still don’t really respect you, right?
Why didn’t you get a pay increase again?
Why does your wife still not suck you?
Why are your friends only calling when they need something?
Because a key part is missing.
When are you doing things to increase your standing with yourself?
Narcissistic on purpose
I keep telling guys to be more self-centered. Obviously, the women will immediately jump on that and call you out for it. Narcissistic asshole!
But here’s the catch, if you’ve been a pleaser to everyone else for years, it’s about damn time you take some time off for yourself.
Now this isn’t some new-age shit. This is basically what No More Mr. Nice Guy and The Rational Male have been teaching for years.
You might not agree with all of it, but this is certainly true:
You can’t please everyone. And if you try, there’s one person you’ll never please: yourself.
And this is where I come back to the people who don’t respect you.
They don’t respect themselves. Because for yourself to respect YOU, you need to do things. You need to build that. Through hardship and endless fights against yourself. And only when you managed to do these things, you learned how much of an accomplishment that actually is.
And only THEN can you go out and start to truly respect other people.
You see them in a different light. You get to know what they’ve been through, what they had to do to be where they are, and then you start to respect them. Because you know through your own experience how hard it was.
This is also the reason why lots of rich bitches are so disrespectful. They never had to do anything for their status. It isn’t earned. They don’t respect themselves, hence why they fuck any dude. But this also means they can never respect other people, because they don’t know what is necessary to build it.
Becoming respected
So to be a force to be reckoned with. To be someone other people look up to, you need to achieve something. And the first step is to fight yourself. You are conditioned to be the pleaser, so it will be very hard to do things solely for your own pleasure.
You will get a lot of backlash, especially from your girl.
Because everyone hates losing power.
Which is exactly what your current dynamic is.
They all have power over you.
But paradoxical as life is, as soon as you respect yourself, and do your own things, these people will start to see you in a different light. If they don’t respect themselves, you might lose them. So what? They were bad people to begin with.
And the other great people will see the fire in your eyes. And they will enjoy it.
And only then will you be whole.