Hey Tribe,
Welcome back!
Life is hard.
Or so we've all heard.
Yes, things happen that aren't pleasant.
Loved ones get sick
You lose jobs
You go broke
People you love die
You suffer hardships
But sometimes, it's you that is simply making your own life hard.
Give yourself a chance
Stop putting yourself in positions to feel miserable and allowing the darkness to consume you, and actively start looking after yourself.
For some people, fighting back the negative, dark and depressing thoughts, is a daily mental challenge, but most of them are feeding these by repeating the same practices that have proven unsuccessful.
Refusing to break free from toxic relationships
Continuing to let social media nonsense effect them
Believing every little bit of mainstream media propaganda
Drinking and drugging to excessively, partying hard, whoring around and getting no sleep
These are not going to lead to a healthy, fulfilled life in the long run.
Short term gratification = long term chaos.
Give yourself the best chance of escaping your negative thoughts and stop constantly making life harder for yourself, by pursuing positive practices.
Start looking after yourself
Spend more time in nature
Spend more time breathing in fresh air
Spend more time feeding your mind & body healthily
Spend more exercising
Spend more time in silence / without digital distractions
Spend more time making genuine connections with real life people
Spend more time doing good deeds
Spend more time practicing gratitude, positive affirmations and meditation
It's easy to fall into the trap of over complicating your life, when the simplest way is to just get back to basics.
Clear your head and get out of your own way. Stop making life harder than it needs to be.
You need to be ready for when real things actually make life hard.
When you need to be there, and be strong & supportive for others.
Protect your mental health, fight back the darkness and stop making life hard for yourself.
Take care,