Hey Tribe,
Welcome back!
An endless supply of hot women engaging in a crazy variety of sexual gymnastics in every single niche imaginable is the proverbial teenage boy’s dream come true, yet for many the dream is not all it has been cracked up to be, in fact, it's become a nightmare.
As porn sweeps screens worldwide, mangling men's minds to a new sexual orthodoxy, the sense of enjoyment from sex, it's spiritual divinity and the qualities it builds in men who once had to work for it have been deeply diminished.
Here are 5 reasons you’re better off without porn:
Has it ever crossed your mind that not getting laid is frustrating for a reason?
This frustration is clearly born out of an ineptitude in actually getting a girl you like to fuck you.
Yet this is not a reason to give up, whack off and satiate yourself – it is actually a gift in the guise of a setback.
It is nature’s way of telling you you’ve got to shape up.
It’s telling you that you must improve if you want a mate: To get fit, to get knowledgeable, to get secure in yourself, to get non-needy.
If you answer this call you’ll find that the original girl who rejected you was in fact a blessing, and winning her affection is actually not as important to your own sense of self and your development.
Further, if you’re putting in work on yourself you’re likely to encounter a bevy of other women who are of a higher quality, with more shared interests and who are genuinely interested in you.
It’s not rocket science this, you use something habitually and you build a tolerance to it, thereby requiring a harder hit to get the original level of satisfaction.
However, with the reports of thousands of men online now surfacing (and growing science to back it up) internet porn can actually rewire the way the brain responds to sexual stimuli, as well as cause erectile dysfunction.
You can get a full explanation of this at Gary Wilson’s site yourbrainonporn.com and watch his TEDx talk here.
To make matters worse, habitual porn viewing causes the phenomenon of increasingly hard-core taste, as men strive to get the orgasmic satisfaction that was experienced in the primary instance.
Much of modern life is geared to convenience and fetishizes the slovenly as pleasure becomes paramount in our societies.
This is not to say that enjoying pleasurable experiences is in anyway wrong, but that the centrality of them to our human experience will inevitably lead one to feel lost in an oscillating narrative between yearning and short-term gratification.
This moves you far away from the spiritual growth that is vital for a sense of meaning, purpose and peace in your life.
Pleasure and happiness are overrated: they are fleeting states, not end-goals in themselves – we cannot afford to depend on them in an ever soulless cultural landscape.
Just try substituting pleasure-seeking practices (such as porn) with activities you find emotionally compelling that fit into a bigger goal. See what happens. Just for a month.
This reason, on superficial analysis, looks corny as f*ck.
I began my journey here, stating: ‘I watch porn, so what? It doesn’t mean I think all women are just objects...’ And I sincerely did not.
Yet I couldn’t deny that in the aftermath of masturbating – that lonely place with your trousers round your ankles, tissue in hand, and a video playing that now seems more seedy than satisfying – that I started to wonder about the women who do porn.
It is quite fascinating why hot women would suck and fuck creepy random guys for money; is it money, self-esteem, fame, sex addiction that makes them do it?
Maybe it’s a mix of all of them, maybe none of them...
The point is that it’s not exactly that the issue is it’s wrong for people to be naked and fuck each other, but more that it reduces the human condition to nudity for economic purpose, thereby disqualifying the depth of the person.
It is oft repeated that it is ‘only natural’ for men to watch porn – but when in history has man had such a supply (and of such extremity) of hard-core material?
What animal in its natural state sits behind a rock bashing one off to an endless supply of the opposite sex?
Have you ever considered if you agree with porn?
An almost instantaneous reaction today is, ‘Of course I agree with it, it’s great!’ But is this response socially conditioned, from a place of pure desire, or ideology?
One argument against any opinion that is not pro-porn is that it is religious dogma to not accept sex into one’s life.
Yet is the normalisation of pornography in society not a flipside of the same adherence to dogma around sexual chastity?
Both sides display an unrealistic and monopolistic attitude around sexual matters.
As porn is so easily accessible and extreme, certain scenes are bound to be stumbled upon which push the boundaries.
Yet how can many people, especially teenagers and young men, be aware of their own boundaries when they’ve become so blurred in the first place?
Therefore, as a person striving for clarity of mind, it is worth considering the question,
“Do I agree with pornography?”
You ask this question not in an abstract statesmanlike way to decide if it’s good for society, but to ascertain whether YOU agree with it, whether it benefits YOU and YOUR social relations.